Mercado Ads
Real People. Real Impact.

Mercado Ads




Mercado Ads is the Adtech platform at Mercado Libre. It offers brands, agencies and sellers solutions to make an impact on valuable audiences throughout the entire Buyer’s journey. It makes the most of the unique edge that First Party Data gives e-commerce at the Nº 1 fintech platform in Latin America.

Launch campaign

Visual Identity


Editorial Design

Desafío de marca

The solutions offered by Mercado Ads, historically associated with Search now accompany the consumer at all stages of the funnel. But, how can we convince agencies and major brands that an Awareness campaign is going to reach the right audience if Mercado Libre is not part of its media plan? The FOMA campaign, inspired on the concept of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). This also inspired the book by Patrick J. Mc Ginnis, which introduced a specific term to describe what CMOs suffer: Fear of Missing Audience. In other words, fear that the campaign in which you invested so much time, money and stress will fail.

¿Qué hicimos?

We worked on expanding that concept by designing a number of materials in various formats such a presentations, assets for paid media, social media and the FOMA landing. All this as part of its digital launch campaign. In order to keep the concept alive the strategy was based on events, direct marketing initiatives and a book. Yes, a book written by Patrick J. Mc Ginnis. It is introduced as a practical guide that marketers are encouraged to read to in order to overcome FOMA.
This book represented a great challenge, we created it in ebook and physical format, we took care of the editorial design of both. The book on paper has already exceeded 1,000 copies and it was given to key attendants to proprietary brand events, such as Mercado Livre Brand Experience in Brazil, and Top Marketers Summit FOMA Edition in Argentina, Mexico, Chile and Brazil.

There was also an exclusive event such as the Top Marketers Summit FOMA Edition, for which we developed a Key Visual that was then applied to digital materials, merchandising, activations, in collaboration with studios in Argentina and Chile. At the events in Mexico and Brazil we took part as Brand Keepers, looking after the campaign identity and the brand.
Este libro fue un gran desafío, le dimos vida en formato e-book y físico, nos encargamos del diseño editorial de ambos. El libro en papel ya cuenta con más de 1000 ejemplares y se entregó a los asistentes de eventos claves propietarios de la marca, como Mercado Livre Brand Experience en Brasil, y Top Marketers Summit FOMA Edition en Argentina, México, Chile y Brasil.

También tuvo su evento exclusivo como el Top Marketers Summit FOMA Edition, para el que desarrollamos un Key Visual que luego se aplicó en piezas digitales, merchandising, activaciones, colaborando con las productoras de Argentina y Chile. En los eventos de México y Brasil, participamos como Brand Keepers cuidando la identidad de la campaña y la marca.